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Continuing Education
RMW8.19 Spinal Therapeutics: A Systems Approach to Vitality and Personal Agency - Jon Martine - Suzanne Picard 2019
CER4.19 Deepening the Rolfing Ten Series through Movement and Manipulation - Tessy Burgardt - Rebecca Carli 2019
CE4.20 Connecting to Essence: Deepening the Rolfing Ten Series, Lisa Fairman - Neal Anderson 2020
RMI1.21 Rolf Movement Integration - Intensive Lisa Fairman - Stefan Knight 2021
RMI2.21 Rolf Movement Integration - Intensive Caryn Mchose and Rebecca Carli 2021
CE1.21 “Being Yourself in the World” A Deepening of the Rolfing® Structural Integration Ten Series - Integrative Sessions Lisa Fairman - Neal Anderson 2021
Visceral Manipulation 1 Gail Wetzler 2018
Visceral Manipulation 2 Gail Wetzler 2019
Visceral Manipulation 2 Peter Coppola 2019
Visceral Manipulation 4 2020