How does it work?
My approach to Rolfing works to relieve pain, improve posture, optimize movement, speed injury recovery, and help you live more fully and comfortably in your body. By releasing excess neuromuscular tension and unhelpful holding patterns, Rolfing creates the potential for long lasting change and healing. When these patterns of excess tension, muscular guarding, and acute/persistent pain resolve, you will feel more
comfortable, capable, calm, and confident in daily life, as well as in your favorite activities. Over a series of sessions tailored to individual needs, you can expect to have new experiences of what it feels like to live inside your body.
Techniques Are Slow, Thorough, Responsive, and Effective...
This work should feel satisfying! Ranging from deep and firm to gentle and light, the style of touch is different for everyone depending on what will be most useful to achieve your desired results. Rolfing does not need to hurt in order to be effective!
What About Posture, Movement, Pain?
Rolfing helps to change the various patterns with which we hold our bodies and move ourselves through life. Whether its due to long days at a computer, a list of aches and pains, how we recover from injuries, or just how we cope with the rigor of our activities, this work helps bodies feel and move better. By using deeply effective hands-on techniques and various movement/interactive exercises, Rolfing helps to break postural and movement habits and makes forming new, more helpful, and more comfortable ones possible. Clients routinely report feeling lighter, stronger, more energized and that they move with more ease and less pain.
Factors like joint alignment, flexibility, strength, and coordination all play a role in determining how we feel, move, and hold ourselves. Every body has its unique combination of anatomy, health history, and learned habits; the goal of this work is to help all of these fit together in a way that keeps the whole person making the most of their potential...on stage, on the field, in the workout studio, at work, at home, and in life. Our systems are impressively adaptable - accidents, injuries, joint replacements, strength imbalances, persistent pain, etc. are all things to which our bodies can readily adapt. We start to our feel aches, pains, and other limitations when our bodies are working too hard and have trouble tolerating the stressors we place upon them. By releasing unnecessary tension/holding patterns and finding more optimal ways of moving and holding ourselves, we can help lighten the load our bodies have to endure while creating more comfort, balance, ease and fluidity (in our bodies and in our lives).
Changes to our posture, movement, and pain happen as a result of calming down areas of sensitive, tense, fatigued, and overworked tissues and building up new, more efficient, and more comfortable conditions in their place. By integrating the most current science regarding how we stand, sit, and move as well as the huge topic of why bodies hurt, in to the traditional Rolfing approach, my work has evolved over the years. Now, more than ever, I am seeing exciting results with even the most stubborn patterns of pain and dysfunction.
And Embodiment???
Many branches of study including western medicine, neuroscience, psychotherapy, mindfulness and spirituality are in agreement that one major component of health is the mind/body connection. This can mean very different things to a sports psychologist, a business coach, and your yoga teacher but they all come back to the same idea - that we experience our worlds by way of how we feel ourselves and our environments as well as how we react to all this information. As our physical bodies become less reactive to various forms of stressors we can begin to experience both our inner and outer worlds with new and greater senses of joy, enthusiasm, and presence for what is most meaningful to our lives. True growth and healing can be brought to potential by these new capacities of perceiving and acting in the world in ways that match the genuine nature who we are.